Last seen January 26 at 14:12 Bruno Iambrenghi

Bruno Iambrenghi

My Services

A highly motivated and professional consultant I have first-rate managerial skills and the ability to lead and execute strategic projects addressing different aspects of the business. With excellent interpersonal skills, I have been responsible for the successful development of a variety of projects and start-ups. My most relevant area of expertise includes: • Business Strategy • Market Strategy • Business Planning • Business due diligence • Customer Value Management • Training & Coaching • Change/Organization Management

Advisory type


Service line

Generalist, Digital Economy, Human Resources & Organization, Innovation, Marketing & Sales, Operations, Strategy


Management Consulting Business Process Improvement Strategy & Management Consulting Marketing Management

Consulting, Consumer Products, Retail & Wholesale, Services Industries

Previous Employers

Accenture Spa

College / University Degrees


Luigi Bocconi


English, Italian

My Snapshot

  • # Reviews: 0
  • Skill ratings: 00.0
  • # Client recommendations: 0 0
  • # Peer recommendations: 0
  • Rate/hour ($): 600+
  • Experience level (yrs): 10+
  • Size of typical clients: Medium