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Posting a job starts at $450 for 60 days

    About the Company

    daily.dev is your ultimate source for staying current with the latest developments in the tech world. It offers a personalized feed of curated content from hundreds of trusted sources, providing you with the most relevant news and articles. Every time you open a new tab, daily.dev brings you a fresh selection of high-quality information tailored to your preferences. The platform not only saves you time but also connects you with a global community of developers eager to share and learn. Free, open-source, and committed to privacy, daily.dev is an indispensable tool for any developer. Stay ahead of the curve with daily.dev, your essential link to tech news and community.

    Advisory type

    Web, Mobile, Software Design & Development

    Service line

    IT Consulting Services

    Our Snapshot

    • Company Size (FTE): 11-50