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Recruiting for Tax Jobs?

Then join our niche Tax Job Board with a 100% focus on Tax Jobs.

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Posting a job starts at $450 for 60 days

    About the Company

    ElleRate is a search and review site designed to elevate the voices and choices behind the vastly powerful and growing women’s economy. The great majority of consumer spending and charitable giving lies squarely in the hands—and purses—of women, as women drive 70-85% of all consumer spending—a number expected to grow by 40% in the next 5 years—and 64% of all charitable donations. ElleRate provides these powerful “Chief Purchasing Officers" with a dynamic, centralized place to quickly and enjoyably discover, review, and share the products, services, workplaces, and policies which yield the greatest return on our investments by best delivering on our wants, needs, and values.

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