Last seen July 27 at 13:55 Eric Berggren

Eric Berggren

My Services

Market research, value proposition development, value selling, value pricing, customer value management, innovation.

Advisory type

Consulting, Advertising, Sales, Marketing & PR

Service line

Innovation, Marketing & Sales, Strategy, Business to Business Marketing, Marketing, Strategy and Consulting for Marketing


Strategy & Management Consulting Customer Experience Customer Insight value Marketing Innovation Distribution Strategies

Building & Construction, Chemicals, Energy, Forest, Paper & Packaging, Healthcare, High Tech, Information Technology, Manufacturing, Mining & Metals, Private Equity, Software

Previous Employers

Gemini Consulting (Capgemini), Northwestern University Kellogg School of Management

College / University Degrees


Kenyon, Northwestern University

My Snapshot

  • # Reviews: 0
  • Skill ratings: 00.0
  • # Client recommendations: 0 0
  • # Peer recommendations: 0
  • Rate/hour ($): 200-400
  • Experience level (yrs): expert
  • Size of typical clients: Enterprise