Last seen October 20 at 4:49 Marya Jan

My Services

Marya Jan is a Facebook Ad Strategist for coaches, experts, and service-based entrepreneurs. She has helped her clients triple their business and execute 6-figure launches in a short period of time. She prides herself on getting big results from a small ad spend. She loves creating high-level strategies but geeks out on numbers and analytics inside the Facebook ad dashboard. And she is on a mission to get hot leads for small businesses on a tiny budget. Marya has been published on sites like the GetResponse blog, Problogger, Boost Blog Traffic, Huffington Post and Write to Done to name a few. She considers herself to be the ‘best-kept secret’ in her industry and is working to change that. Her business is projecting 1.2 million dollars in revenue this year.

My Snapshot

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