My Services
Determine best practices and approaches for application development on iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch Create stunning iOS user interfaces XCode project setup Leverage the Interface Builder Undertsand and use the MVC (Model-View-Controller) paradigm and View controller actions/outlets Understand and implement controls: static, active, and passive Use Button, Action Sheet, Slider, and Label Implement application autosizing/autorotation Use the gyroscope, front, and back cameras Create iOS application settings with defaults Correctly implement iOS persistence Troubleshoot iOS development and performance issues
Advisory type
Web, Mobile, Software Design & Development
Service line
Design - Mobile, Development - Mobile
iOS Development Swift Objective-C Agile Methodologies
Information Technology
Previous Employers
Endive Software
College / University Degrees
Rajasthan University
English, Hindi
My Snapshot
- # Reviews: 0
- Skill ratings: 0
- # Client recommendations: 0 0
- # Peer recommendations: 0
- Rate/hour ($): 1-50
- Experience level (yrs): 0-5
- Size of typical clients: Startup